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Florida Insurance & Litigation Lawyers / Orlando Insurance Dispute Lawyer

Orlando Insurance Dispute Lawyer

Insurance companies increasingly deny claims or underpay the claims they accept. Many policyholders are unsure of what to do or if they even have a legal right to challenge the denial of a claim. Call Geyer Fuxa Tyler today. You can meet with an Orlando insurance disputes lawyer to discuss the current disagreement with your insurance company. Your insurance should be there for you when you need it.

We Handle All Types of Insurance Disputes in Florida

Our firm has handled claims involving all types of insurance products:

  • Automobile insurance
  • Homeowner’s or renter’s insurance
  • Commercial property insurance
  • Commercial liability insurance

Disputes can take different forms, but many of them involve:

  1. Breach of contract. The insurance contract lays out each side’s obligations. Your insurer could be using underhanded tactics to avoid paying out a claim. We can negotiate with them or, where necessary, sue to enforce the contract or seek damages.
  2. Fraud. An insurer might have outright lied to you. We can seek damages, including punitive damages, for fraudulent statements you relied on.
  3. Bad faith. Florida requires that insurers act in good faith toward their policyholders in first- and third-party claims. We can seek damages for bad faith conduct, such as refusal to settle a claim or a failure to investigate a claim in a timely manner.
  4. Negligence in procurement. The insurer might have failed to provide the insurance you requested. They didn’t intentionally lie, but their carelessness resulted in you receiving a policy with less protection. This type of negligent conduct supports a lawsuit and the payment of damages.

Call our firm if you have a question about your legal rights. We have decades of combined experience with insurance claims, and we are familiar with the most common insurance tricks:

  • Manipulating the scope of loss so that it doesn’t exceed your deductible.
  • Manipulating the scope of loss so that the insurer’s liability is minimized.
  • Underpaying and underpricing a claim, often through the use of software programs.
  • Blaming a loss on a non-covered occurrence.
  • Demanding excessive supporting documentation, estimates, and statements.
  • Failing to communicate in a timely and clear manner.
  • Refusing to cover additional benefits, such as living expenses, under the insurance policy.
  • Setting unreasonable repair or rebuild timelines.
  • Refusing to cover the loss of damaged items and instead requiring chemical cleaning, which is often dangerous or useless.

These tactics deny policyholders of benefits they are entitled to under their contract. Yet the industry often gets away with them because consumers don’t understand their rights. It’s time to speak up and demand the compensation you should receive following a loss.

Call Our Orlando Insurance Disputes Lawyers to Schedule a Consultation Today

Geyer Fuxa Tyler is the go-to firm for any insurance dispute in Florida. Our team has gone up against most of the state’s major insurance companies, big and small. Our Orlando insurance disputes lawyers understand all the options available to policyholders to resolve a dispute, including appraisal, arbitration, or litigation. We have won millions for policyholders in the midst of a dispute with their insurance carrier. Contact us to learn more.

Need litigation services?
Struggling with a claim?let's discuss your case!

If you are having difficulty receiving coverage or compensation on your insurance claim, call our office for a free consultation. Several of our attorneys and staff members speak Spanish, and we are always here to serve you.

We take cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that our fees and costs are contingent on achieving a positive result for you. In many cases, however, our fees and expenses are paid mostly or entirely by the insurance company.

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