Orlando Insurance Coverage Dispute Lawyer
Insurance coverage provides tremendous peace of mind. Unfortunately, after a tragedy or natural disaster, many policyholders end up in tense disputes with their insurance carriers. You might reach a standstill where your claim is denied, or you are not receiving full coverage. The insurance contract is the foundation of any dispute, but these policies are dense and confusing. We encourage anyone in a dispute with their insurance carrier to obtain legal help. Call Geyer Fuxa Tyler to speak with an Orlando coverage dispute lawyer.
Is Your Claim Covered by Insurance?
Coverage disputes are common. Here are some issues that often lead to a disagreement:
- Claim denials. An insurer might deny a claim because the occurrence or loss wasn’t covered. In other situations, certain losses are especially excluded from the contract. Many policyholders don’t know how to respond because they can’t comprehend the insurance contract.
- Policy limits and deductibles. Instead of outright denying a claim, an insurer could end up not covering the entire loss. An insurance carrier can use different techniques for narrowing a loss. For example, they might manipulate the scope of a claim to ensure that your claim falls below the deductible—meaning, they won’t pay you any benefits.
- Other disputes involve delays in claims processing. For example, an insurer might agree that a loss is covered. However, they drag their heels when it comes to sending you a check. They might offer no justification for why they are delaying, but you suffer serious economic distress. You might end up having to continually delay home repairs.
Resolving a dispute with an insurance carrier is never easy. They have dozens of lawyers on staff to fight off any litigation. You should hire an experienced lawyer to review the dispute and interpret your insurance contract.
Remedies for a Coverage Dispute
Many people call our firm hoping to receive benefits under an insurance policy. That is one remedy when a carrier unfairly denies your claim. We might also seek consequential damages. For example, a denial of a homeowner’s claim might force you to rent a hotel room for 6 months. We can add those expenses to your claim and seek compensation.
In other situations, we might allege bad faith insurance practices. This is the preferred route when an insurer unfairly delays or refuses to investigate a claim. Our firm might head straight to court by filing a lawsuit.
Other coverage disputes can be resolved outside of court. We might negotiate or participate in mediation. When successful, we can resolve your dispute much faster and without unnecessary expense.
Let’s talk about the remedies available. Each case is unique, and we want to hear our client’s goals.
Schedule a Confidential Consultation with Our Orlando Insurance Coverage Dispute Lawyers Today
Our firm has helped many policyholders successfully resolve their disputes. Let us work with your carrier to figure out where the dispute stands. We can then argue a loss is not covered by an exclusion, or we can help bolster a claim with sufficient documentation. An Orlando coverage dispute lawyer is available to meet when convenient.