Florida Denied Hurricane Claim Lawyer
After a devastating hurricane in Florida, any homeowner or property owner who has been making timely payments on their insurance premiums and has taken all steps required by their insurance policy to obtain compensation should not have to worry about a denied claim. Yet tens of thousands of hurricane claims are denied after a hurricane that makes landfall in Florida. Indeed, according to data from the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (FLOIR), more than 10 percent of hurricane claims are denied annually, and after a particularly major storm or series of storms, up to 40 percent of claims may be denied. Contact our experienced Florida denied hurricane claim lawyer to find out more about how we can assist you.
Why Are Florida Hurricane Insurance Claims Denied?
Florida property owners frequently assume that their homeowners’ insurance company or property insurance company will be there to support them and to provide compensation in the aftermath of a hurricane. However, what many property owners do not realize is that insurance companies are always thinking about their own bottom line. When an insurer can avoid paying out a claim, it will almost always attempt to do so. Many property owners must fight denials in order to receive the compensation they are owed based on the terms of their insurance policy.
Hurricane insurance claim denials depend on the circumstances. In some instances, there are errors in the claim filed by the insured, or mistakes made by the insurer while hundreds of thousands of claims are being processed after a major hurricane. A lawyer can help you to identify any potential errors and work to have your claim reprocessed in a timely manner. Yet in other circumstances, claims are denied in bad faith by the insurance company, or they are denied because an insured allegedly missed a premium payment or a deadline. Even in the event of a missed payment or deadline, you may still have options for pursuing your claim.
What to Do If Your Florida Hurricane Claim Was Denied
If your Florida hurricane insurance claim is denied, it is important to know the steps you can take to appeal.
Your specific insurance company likely has an internal appeals process, which our attorneys can assist with. It will be important to identify the specific reason your claim was denied — which your insurance should have provided in the claim denial — and then we can begin working on the appeals process. If there is evidence that your claim was wrongly denied, we can refute the information provided by the insurer and seek to have your claim paid out.
If your insurance company has acted in bad faith in denying your claim, or is unreasonably delaying an investigation into your Florida hurricane insurance claim, the firm of Geyer Fuxa Tyler can give notice to the insurer of plans to litigate, and we can move forward with a claim against the insurance company.
Our Florida Denied Hurricane Claim Lawyers Can Assist You
If you filed a hurricane insurance claim and were denied, you should seek legal help as soon as possible. Contact our experienced Florida denied hurricane claim lawyer today.