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Florida Insurance & Litigation Lawyers / St. Petersburg Denied Insurance Claim Lawyer

St. Petersburg Denied Insurance Claim Lawyer

Since an insurance policy is a legal contract that exists between the insurance company and the policyholder in St. Petersburg, both parties must comply with the terms of the contract. If an insured policyholder complies with their obligations and follows all steps required for submitting a claim for coverage, the insurer cannot unreasonably deny the claim.  Contact our experienced St. Petersburg denied insurance claim lawyer today.

What is a St. Petersburg Denied Insurance Claim?

What is a denied insurance claim in St. Petersburg, Florida? Denied claims happen whenever an insurance company does not pay out coverage after receiving a claim. If an insurer is going to deny a claim or deny a portion of the claim, it must provide you with detailed information about why it is denying the claim you submitted. You can then use that information to gather specific documentation to appeal the denial with the insurer’s reasoning at the center.

When an insurer breaches the terms of the contract with the policyholder and denies the claim, it may be possible for the policyholder to bring forth a bad faith claim against the insurance company.

Common Reasons for St. Petersburg Insurance Claims Being Denied

St. Petersburg Insurance claims are denied as a result of policyholder and insurance company errors, policy limits, and bad faith. Some of the common reasons that insurance claims are denied in St. Petersburg include but are not limited to the following:

  • Insurance premiums were late;
  • Insurance policy was cancelled;
  • Failure to report the claim in a timely manner, according to the terms of the insurance policy;
  • Insufficient information or evidence contained in the submitted claim;
  • Errors in the submitted claim;
  • Insurance fraud allegations;
  • Failure to properly document damage for which the insurance claim was submitted;
  • Submission of an insurance claim for damage that is not covered under the terms of the policy;
  • Failure to mitigate additional property damage;
  • Failure to supply sufficient evidence in a third-party liability insurance claim to prove liability;
  • Liability insurance limits prevent a payout, especially in cases involving more than one claimant; and
  • Bad faith.

The above examples are just some of the reasons that insurance claims are commonly denied. No matter what reason the insurance company provided when it denied your claim, an experienced attorney can go over your insurance policy in detail and can determine whether your claim should have been covered and paid. For claims that were wrongly denied, we can begin working with you to seek the coverage for which you have been paying premiums or for which you submitted a legitimate claim.

Let Our St. Petersburg Denied Insurance Claim Lawyers Help

After submitting an insurance claim and expecting to have a timely and favorable response from the insurance company, it can be devastating to receive a denial. It is important to remember that there are many ways to appeal an insurance company’s denial of benefits, and in some cases it simply involves the submission of additional information with assistance from your attorney. Whether your claim is quick to resolve or requires moving to complex litigation, the firm of Geyer Fuxa Tyler is here to assist you. Contact our experienced St. Petersburg denied insurance claim lawyer today.

Need litigation services?
Struggling with a claim?let's discuss your case!

If you are having difficulty receiving coverage or compensation on your insurance claim, call our office for a free consultation. Several of our attorneys and staff members speak Spanish, and we are always here to serve you.

We take cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that our fees and costs are contingent on achieving a positive result for you. In many cases, however, our fees and expenses are paid mostly or entirely by the insurance company.

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