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Florida Insurance & Litigation Lawyers / St. Petersburg Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer

St. Petersburg Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer

St. Petersburg residents should not have to worry that an insurance company will do anything to prevent an insurance payout after an insured files a claim for which they have legitimate coverage under an existing policy. Yet when an insurance company does not comply with Florida law and does not act reasonably after receiving your claim, the insurance company could be acting in bad faith. There are laws protecting insureds against bad faith, and it may be possible to file a claim. Contact our experienced St. Petersburg bad faith insurance lawyer today.

What is Bad Faith in a St. Petersburg Insurance Claim?

Bad faith in a St. Petersburg insurance claim refers to a situation in which an insurance company has acted unreasonably or unfairly in handling a claimant’s insurance claim. When a claimant files a bad faith lawsuit in St. Petersburg, they are filing a civil lawsuit against an insurance company that has acted in bad faith.

Bad faith is a term that can refer to first-party insurance claims or third-party insurance claims in which an insurer fails to conduct a timely investigation into a claim or unreasonably refuses to pay a claim for which the insured has coverage based on the terms of their policy. Insurers might also fail to provide its reasoning for denying a claim, or might deny a claim without a proper investigation. There are other ways in which an insurer might act in bad faith, as well, and might open itself up to a lawsuit.

How Can a St. Petersburg Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer Help?

In St. Petersburg, homeowners, motorists, and others pay premiums for insurance policies through companies they are entrusting to pay out when there is a valid claim. Yet much too often, insurers do not properly investigate or process claims, or they deny coverage without providing a clear explanation. The first major step in holding the insurer accountable is to get in touch with a bad faith insurance lawyer. We can help you to file a Civil Remedy Notice, which is required in Florida to initiate a bad faith claim. It will put the insurer on notice, and the insurer may immediately make a settlement offer. Even when an insurer refuses to remedy the situation, you may be able to win damages against the insurer through a lawsuit.

Our St. Petersburg Bad Faith Insurance Lawyers Are Here to Help

Have you filed an insurance claim in St. Petersburg only to have been denied coverage without a clear explanation? Or did you file an insurance claim and the insurer has not even begun to investigate despite weeks or even months going by? Bad faith can take many different forms, and if you have any reason to believe that an insurer is behaving unreasonably with regard to your claim, you should discuss the possibility of bad faith with the firm of Geyer Fuxa Tyler as soon as possible. By taking the first steps toward a bad faith lawsuit against the insurer, you may be able to get the settlement from the insurer that you need. Contact our experienced St. Petersburg bad faith insurance lawyer for more information.

Need litigation services?
Struggling with a claim?let's discuss your case!

If you are having difficulty receiving coverage or compensation on your insurance claim, call our office for a free consultation. Several of our attorneys and staff members speak Spanish, and we are always here to serve you.

We take cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that our fees and costs are contingent on achieving a positive result for you. In many cases, however, our fees and expenses are paid mostly or entirely by the insurance company.

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